
Showing posts from January, 2012

Beauty What Meaning On You...!

Beauty ... Do you understand ... What is the meaning of beauty in yourself ... Do you feel that beauty is important ... Why is it important ... Do you know how to appreciate it ... Are your beauty can be rated with the money ... Beauty of what you intend by ... Naturally or plastic ... Do you understand what a natural beauty ... And not natural ... If you are ordered to select the way how you want to beautify themselves ... Which you want to do ... Does the Pain ... Do you prefer the natural way ... That is without pain ... Do women need to emphasize personal beauty ... Why ... Is beauty only ... You feel comfortable enough ... ? If you are correct ... It is the wrong answer ... Do you really wonder why ... I say this ... This is because you have forgotten about ... Internal beauty ... External & Internal beauty should be in line ... Of 50 % external and 50 % are internal ... But do you fe

Great Moments In Penang

This is what I like about you all , Friendly and fun , You make me feel happy , And I will never forget the time when , We are all together ... To celebrate the Chinese New Year together, In Penang , This is the first time I make a visit to , Penang and welcoming , Chinese New Year with you all , And I really appreciate it , Thank you for giving me this opportunity , And the most beautiful moment with you all , And thanks to Miss Malaysia Kebaya , For giving me this opportunity , I am very grateful and feel very happy , Able to celebrate with you all in Penang ... Here is our moments together ... More Photos Will Uploading Later... KIMORA JEAN

My Opinion In Fashion's...

Do not ask my opinion on ( BRANDS ) because I absolutely do not care about ( BRAND ) what is important is that we feel comfortable each time dressed in the fashion of our choice, and makes us feel confident every time we make a new appearance . Each person has a high demand on FASHION , So choose the best FASHION anxious to yourself ... : ) Jangan tanya saya pendapat tentang (JENAMA TERKENAL) kerana saya sama sekali tidak peduli tentang (JENAMA) apa yang penting ialah kita berasa selesa setiap kali memakai baju fesyen yang kita pilih,dan membuatkan diri kita berasa yakin setiap kali kita membuat penampilan baru. Setiap orang mempunyai permintaan yang tinggi tentang FESYEN, Jadi pilihlah FESYEN yang terbaik utuk diri anda... :) KIMORA JEAN

Natural Friendship 1...

A child , Brackets look good wearing , Having long eyelashes dimpled , Playing play happily , Playing alone , At  showing happiness face , On his lips to show cheerful , Agitated mood to laugh , A child , Cheongsam dress with braid two , Having looked cheerful blush , It suddenly came rushing greeting , Extended a child smile and laugh , In striking face of joy, They played unbelievable gift , The unhindered pursuit of running ... KIMORA JEAN


I continued walking , Regardless of obstacles, Challenges that prevent , My tears dripped , My soul felt , My heart tormented , Find peace of mind , peace , Now I find you, Low atmosphere was merry, Dark to light , Now I realize , That peace , Not come , Of pleasure, Wealth and luxury , Knowledge and believe , Here he comes , Make my soul at peace , When I approached you ... KIMORA JEAN

Birds In The Morning...

You have got , Open up your wings , I do not know how you whistle to sing , Opening my eyes , I got up , Still yawning once in the door , And a spot of sunshine in my chest , My work is waiting , I see you first sand cave , Barren of trees across the city , Is there a fat worm for your worm , Or a piece of bread, rotten , And petty school children , Your income , For me this town is too small for you, But you are just , Sejumput meat, So confident , Your wings a little ... KIMORA JEAN

Crazy For Dragon SHQIP...

God sat down he tells , Sewn to suffer , As the painful brethren , Year was in prison, Sekalia finished in myself , A hedge is not right , Too twelve dragon listening , Taken SHQIP and gave her , Take a smart young masters , This Gemala grandmother gave , The price of the seven states , What will quit , If the person affected can , Apply water was given was , If the help of God the One , In a moment there is harmony , Or my grandson to go to war , SHQIP out in person, I was r multiply thousands of people , Twelve fierce fierce warrior , After listening to the god said , Really like it in them ambitions , Then ask them as well , Onto the flat land ... KIMORA JEAN

The SME Brand Laureate 2012 Moments

On that night i meet with two beauty queen's...Here is our photos together...At THE SME BRAND LAUREATE is MISS CHARMING CHEONGSAM 2012 and on the left is MISS MALAYSIA CAMPUS 2011... Now it's time to show my another photo's with my friend's...At the same event too... Now it's time for a group photos... Nice is it my photo's...hahaha...It's not enough i still have many photo's about this...But i only show half of the photos only...We are still enjoying on that night although some of them still working on that night... :) anyway we are glad to be there on that night's...Hope to see u all again in future guy's... :)                                                              THIS IS THE SME BRAND LAUREATE 2012... KIMORA JEAN

My 1st Inspirations...

    DATIN CLARA & ME AT THE SME BRAND LAUREATE 2012... She is my inspirations in beauty line... Really experience in this beauty line industry... She really Friendly even though we can call her as a... SIFU... She still humble and friendly... KIMORA JEAN

Specialy For Valentine's Day

What does Valentine's Day to you ? Does it have meaning to you ? Do you appreciate it ? Are you happy to celebrate it ? Do you know why there is Valentine's Day ? Do you love your spouse? With a sincere heart ? Loving your partner with a whole heart ? Is Valentine's Day only you will love your spouse? Would you love and love your spouse? Every day, every minute and every second until the last breath ? With sincerity and appreciate every moment ? You with your spouse ? Apakah maksud hari valentine untuk anda? Adakah ia mempunyai maksud kepada anda? Adakah anda menghargainya? Adakah anda berasa gembira untuk menyambutnya? Adakah anda tahu mengapa adanya hari valentine? Adakah anda menyayangi pasangan anda? Dengan hati yang ikhlas? Mencintai pasangan anda dengan sepenuh hati? Adakah hari valentine sahaja anda akan menyayangi pasangan anda? Sanggupkah anda mencintai dan menyayangi pasangan anda? Setiap hari setiap minit dan setiap sa

Best Model's All Star's Shooting List

BEST MODEL'S ALL-STARS shooting list : Peggy - my goddess, one good way to end the year wouldn't it? Andrea - this one long time no see, if you can see =P Christine - my SAYANG ... how can I ever get enough? Mack - once you go Mack, you'll never go Back! Yumi - my dearest daugther Yumi Chew, whom I will love and support forever, at that's from my heart! Lynce - another daugther, just different surname =P Caitlyn - Tall, lovely, and still learning. She can learn EVERYTHING from me! Vivian - once a dearie, always a dearie. Yvonne - coffee, tea or me? You can have all three =P Caryne - cute and sexy, she always will be! Jasmine - I go up? Or you come down? Either way I am 100% satisfied =P Winnie - just like wine ... you can see the smoothes by how it swirls around the cup =P Cherish - cool, calm, cute, alluring, and they're always from Kuantan, hmm ... Kei - reason? See below. Li Sha - shoot her more before she becomes the next Miss Astro, LOL! Drea

Dignity Is More Important Than Wealth

Poverty is not a slur, Wealth is not one that should be proud of, Poverty and wealth can not be assessed, But the dignity and self-esteem is something that is very valuable, That can not be in the value of money, Wealth will not last long if you are too greedy stingy spell of cheating innocent people seize the property of others, People of this kind always have consequences and the consequences themselves. KIMORA JEAN

Ini Bukan Hinaan

Kemiskinan bukan satu hinaan, Kekayaan bukan satu yang harus di banggakan, Kemiskinan dan kekayaan tidak boleh di nilai, Tetapi maruah diri dan harga diri adalah sesuatu yang sangat bernilai, Yang tidak boleh di nilai dengan wang, Kekayaan tidak akan bertahan lama jika anda terlalu tamak kedekut menyihir orang menipu orang yang tidak bersalah merampas harta benda orang lain, Orang jenis macam ini selalu mendapat padah dan akibat diri sendiri. KIMORA JEAN

Become More Realistic

In the face of all the challenges we face today, is my optimism about the future of humanity idealistic? Perhaps it is. Is it unrealistic? Certainly not. To remain indifferent to the challenges we face is indefensible. If the goal is noble, whether or not it is realized within our lifetime is largely irrelevant. What we must do therefore is to strive and persevere and never give up...

Take Care Your Women

Men can not show that violence against women, Men should maintain the dignity of women, Not consider them as rags, When you are feeling bored with his own wife looking for other women, When the wife is not beautiful go searching for other women, Do not ignore your wife, And do not trick them, They want love and affection than men are, Women want love and affection from the men, Not the pl...ace for football Kick! So men should love and care of vulnerable women, Appreciate when they are with you. ^ _ ^ Who agrees ... ^ _ ^

Another World's

There is a saying in Tibetan that “at the door of the miserable rich man sleeps the contented beggar.” The point of this saying is not that poverty is a virtue, but that happiness does not come from wealth, but from setting limits to one’s desires, and living within those limits with satisfaction...

Learn To Make Peace With One Another

The creation of a more peaceful and happier society has to begin from the level of the individual, and from there it can expand to one's family, to one's neighborhood, to one's community and so on...

Human Nature...

We are all, by nature, clearly oriented toward the basic human values of love and compassion. We all prefer the love of others to their hatred. We all prefer others’ generosity to meanness. And who is there among us who does not prefer tolerance, respect and forgiveness of our failings to bigotry, disrespect, and resentment?

Loss Of Consciousness

Some people do not know how to be grateful, Dare to destroy the bridge itself, Do not know how to value other people, But consider yourself good at evaluating other people, But consider yourself pretty and always want to win, Unconscious! Keep support others to get the names, In order to win and want to destroy another person's name, Front of other people always pretend that others praise him better themselves, And to get attention from others, But not everyone is stupid!

Tidak Sedar Diri

Setengah orang tidak pandai untuk bersyukur, Berani menghancurkan jambatan sendiri, Sendiri tidak tahu menilai orang lain, Tapi menganggap diri sendiri pandai menilai orang lain, Tapi anggap diri sendiri cantik dan selalu nak menang, Tak sedar diri! Asyik mengampu orang lain untuk mendapat nama, Agar dapat menang dan ingin merosakkan nama orang lain, Selalu berlakon depan orang lain agar orang lain memuji diri dia baik, Dan untuk mendapat perhatian daripada orang lain, Tetapi bukan semua orang bodoh!

Belajar Untuk Menghargai Peluang

Apabila peluang yang dibuka ada didepan kita, Ada yang tidak sedar telah menghancurkan peluang diri sendiri, Bagaimana? Apabila sudah tersedar bahawa peluang itu sudah MUSNAH dan HANCUR!!! Anda masih berpeluang menyalahkan orang lain, Adakah anda pernah fikir bahawa ini semua terjadi, Disebabkan diri anda? Jangan sesuka hati menyalahkan orang lain, Mengata orang lain, Tetapi fikir diri sendiri apa yang anda telah buat, Anda yang tidak tahu menghargainya! Jadi jangan menyalahkan orang lain disebabkan diri kamu yang lalai...

Learn How To Appereciate Opportunities

When we opened the opportunities in front of us, Some are not aware that destroyed the opportunities themselves, How? When I had realized that the opportunity is gone and CRUSHED! You still have the opportunity to blame others, Did you ever think that this all happened, Because of you? Do they like to blame others, Others say, But think yourself what you have created, You do not know appreciate it! So do not blame others due heed yourselves...

Kegembiraan Tidak Boleh Di Jual Beli

Kegembiraan tidak boleh di nilai dengan harta benda, Kegembiraan adalah sesuatu yang semulajadi, Kecantikan juga di boleh diukur, Kecantikan juga tidak boleh dibeli, Kasih sayang juga tidak boleh di jual beli, Kasih sayang juga tidak boleh diukur dengan wang, Kekeluargaan adalah sesuatu yang harus dihargai, Kekeluargaan adalah satu ikatan yang suci, Yang tidak boleh di jual beli dan bandingkan dengan kekayaan, Hargai setiap orang yang berada disamping kita selalu...

Happiness Cannot Buy With Money

Happiness can not be in the value of the property, Fun is something that is natural, Beauty also can be measured, Beauty can not be purchased, Love can not purchase, Love can not be measured by money, Family is something that should be honored, Family is a sacred bond, That can not be in the sale and purchase and compare it with wealth, Cherish every person who is well ... we always...

Don't Be Selfish

If you are good in any thing you do why are you still fail in everything you do? if you know you can not afford to do some thing how can you be so bold as to promise? if you are feeling anxious and afraid you will try to blame others and discredit other people ... if you are not satisfied why not be honest with us? but find your boyfriend to talk about it people ... it means you are very very useful! Jika kamu bagus dalam apa jua benda kamu buat mengapa kamu masih gagal dalam setiap perkara yang kamu buat?jika kamu tahu kamu tidak mampu untuk buat sesetengah perkara mengapa masih berani untuk berjanji?apabila kamu sudah berasa resah dan takut kamu akan cuba menyalahkan orang lain serta memburukkan nama orang lain...jika kamu tidak puas hati mengapa tidak anda berterus terang dengan kami?tetapi mencari teman lelaki anda untuk cakap tentang hal orang...ini bermaksud anda seorang yang sangat tidak berguna! (Hi,guy's why im writing this story because every story that i write all g

Can I Be Like A STAR...

Can I be a STAR ...? Every night I will shine ... Every night I will illuminate the sky ... Can I be beautiful like the STAR that sparkles in the clouds ...? STAR is always close to the MOON ... Each evening will accompany the rest of the cloud STARS STARS ... And also the full moon ... Bolehkah saya menjadi BINTANG...? Setiap malam saya akan bersinar... Setiap malam saya akan menyinari langit... Bolehkah saya menjadi cantik seperti BINTANG yang berkelipan di awan...? BINTANG yang sentiasa berada dekat dengan BULAN... Setiap malam akan di temani oleh BINTANG BINTANG lain di awan... Dan juga BULAN PURNAMA...